Heyo! I'm mostly writing this blog to see if we have similar red flags and if we decided to date each other despite what each of us considers a red flag. I'll start by listing each of our red flags, and then I'll see if we have each other's red flags in the reveal.
What I Think Are Red Flags in Men:
Thinks all of their exes are "crazy"
They can't drive
Is disrespectful to their parents
Slow walker and late for everything
Smokes and drinks
What He Thinks Are Red Flags in Women:
Girls who have cheated in the past
Girls that don't workout
Girls who lie
Girls that lack ambition
Girls that he can't have an intelligent conversation with
*He decided to start listing things he doesn't like instead of red flags lol
The Reveal
So out of the things that I consider red flags, my boyfriend has 1/5! Yahoo, I can deal with 20% failure (kidding!). Despite the one red flag that I typically consider when going on dates, I was able to deal with one of the less serious ones in exchange for love lol.
According to my boyfriend, I have 0/5 of his listed red flags. Except, initially, he said girls who have gone on too many dates (targeted much...) and girls who poop because I guess we are supposed to shit glitter.
In our case, at least, it seems that relationships that last more than a few months mean not having seen the things you determine to be red flags in your partner. Shocker, eh?
I thought this would reveal the opposite, that love can conquer all, but I guess not...